Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What day of the week is it?

Covered in bites from an unknown variety of insects, scratched up from head to toe and sunburned, our bodies were mentally and physically aching for some down-time at the beach. To cap off the beauty of our scratchy/red selves, we opted on the overnight bus trip to the coast - 12 hours and two buses after Tena, we found ourselves in Montañita, a little surf town where the rum flows more plentiful than freshwater and nobody knows what day of the week it is (literally- the first guy we sat next to sincerely asked us).  We had heard about Montañita from fellow travellers.... it is the kind of place that has created its own legacy - not really true Ecuador but instead a little slice of many sunkissed dreams mixed with reggae-tone and ceviche. 
A toast to the sun & surf

This all sounds quite lovely as a beach destination - and I will be the first to admit that I truly believe in the goodness of losing track of time, but we could not have prepared ourselves for Montañita during Carnival weekend.  Many places in Ecuador still celebrate carnival with cultural festivals & parades, but Montañita is strictly about the fiesta!  There are not only masses of tourists lined up on cocktail alley getting henna tattoos and signing up for surf lessons– but there are also Ecuadorian families lined up side by side on the beach like combat sunbathing while the kids spray everyone relentlessly with foam. A unique combo of people definitely make people watching an activity unto its own.
The crazy crowds of Montañita
Once again we were thankful for our friend Gus’s connections with his friends in Ecuador - Bill & his lovely family hosted us in their home in Manglaralta, which was the perfect distance away from the Carnival madness in Montañita (a 45 min walk on the beach). Both Emily and I needed a little saltwater healing for our jungle wounds and staying at a house allowed us to relax and take care of our bodies as needed (for me this meant long early morning walks followed by a swim before breakfast and for Emily this meant sleeping in until her heart’s content).
Bill, Erica & their sweet daughter Freida Bea
We were also able to meet up with our friend Robbie from Seattle (who is volunteering in Ecuador right now) - so the three of us enjoyed the simple joys of beach bumming together.  In addition, due to Carnival festivities, we were invited out to several of Bill’s friend’s homes for dinner.  Which ended up being some of the nicest homes around Montañita (if you’re approaching over the hill but still feel like a party-animal, this is the place to stretch your $ and live like a king).  We indulged in some of the finest food & drink we have had in awhile and enjoyed amazing sunsets, waterslides and infinity pools to boot!  Seeing how the other 1% lives their lives was an interesting treat.... but in the end we were also happy to throw on our backpacks and spend our evenings sipping the cheapest boxed wine on a beautiful public beach.

Party night in Montañita.... oh cocktail alley - may we never see your foam again.

Emily testing out the waterslide
Infinity pool at sunset!

Isla de la Plata

After Montañita, the three of us headed north to Puerto Lopez where we explored some beautiful beaches  and took a boat out to "the poor man’s Galapagos", also known as Isla de la Plata.  Although it pales in comparison to the real Galapagos, it still offered some beautiful views and a chance to see the Blue Footed Booby!  The tour, much like any other group tour was mandatory for the national park and was a bit like being a herd of sheep (we tried to escape a few times but were always reeled back in).  But such is the price you pay to see some unique and protected areas.
los tres amigos
The infamous Blue Footed Booby!
A baby booby with momma
· Side Note · The name ´Booby´ has nothing to do with actual boobs on the bird (it gets laughed at enough because of its feet) it actually gets its name from the Spanish term “bobo” which means stupid, fool or clown.  Because like most seabirds, the Booby is a bit clumsy on land & easily captured.
A friendly turtle on the way to the island
A unique bug we saved from the surf
Ari jumping for joy
Everything looks better in the reflection of Ray Bans
Keeping it safe
The view from the top - overlooking our pristine beach

Sunset Yoga in front of the house

Puerto Lopez Fishing boats don’t even need a catch to attract the birds


  1. Absolutely fabulous! I especially like the baby booby with mama! What a dream trip, I swear! Jesse
