Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meatheads & Meathooks

      Our first stop out of Quito was a small town called Cayambe where a nice French girl who was volunteering opened her home/office for us to stay the night through the ´´couch-surfing´´ network.  We were even treated to some homemade cobbler upon arrival! To work off the cobbler we changed into our workout clothes (hiking shoes & stretch pants) and headed to Arnold´s Gym for a step class.  The Ecuadorian step instructor was like a little bouncing energizer bunny & pretty much kicked our butts as we tried to keep up and not fall off the homemade wooden step platforms.  Although we could have just gone to bed, we had a little wine to perk us up and finished the night off baking an amazing quiche.

Meatheads of Ecuador
Sleeping in the office space
       Continuing to head north, our next stops were Otavalo (known for its amazing craft market) & Cotacachi.  Emily was sick as a dog and spending most of her days trying to rest up in the hostals - but she managed to get out a few times and join me in the markets for some quality haggling.  Near Cotacachi I also went on a long day hike around a nearby crater lake. The hike was beautiful, but I think the world wanted my body to empathize with Emily so I ended up getting fried on my hike.... that damn elevation always gets you even on the cloudiest days! Atleast the radiating heat from my body kept me warm at night;)

Intricate hand painted gourds
Emily is thrilled with this bargain whereas the woman looks less than pleased
Colorful market fabrics
The beautiful Cuicocha lake

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