Thursday, February 2, 2012


    Somehow time flew by far too fast for me to actually update my blog in between adventures.  I tend to get restless easily and as I came home and found no 'real jobs' that were biting on my line, I decided to continue my nomadic lifestyle and just go ahead and plan for another adventure - Running around the world until spring rafting season satisfied my water soul. 

Here is a quick recap....
    Since my last post in Greece - I made it safely back to Israel to grab the last of my luggage, and back out of Israel (which was no small feat with their ridiculous airport security).  By the end of October I was back into the arms of my loved ones and the rain of the wonderful Pacific Northwest.  In November I was the Maid of Honor for my beautiful friend Estrella's wedding - It was a whirlwind of activity and it made me wish all of my best friends lived closer:(  Then in December, I made it down to Tulum, Mexico to help Colin & his friend Jonathan with their documentary on the water ecosystems in Tulum (I pan to write a couple of posts on this with pics & all that jazz later, so stay tuned).  I came back from this trip just in time for a wonderful Christmas with the family in Montana and then started of January with a Wilderness First Responder course in Seattle.  All of this filled my plate up until the last few days of packing for my South America trip. 

Which finally brings me to the present..... Emily Busse & I's great South American Adventure.  SO - the following posts will be my/our travel blog!

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