Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Desert Oasis & Rapping Jews

The Oasis is a haven for desert birds & other wildlife
Desert Waterfalls:)
Ein Gedi is a picturesque nature reserve sandwiched between the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea - truly an oasis surrounded by barren landscape.  Thankfully this was an exception to desert hiking because we got a late start and did not arrive to Ein Gedi (spring of the Kid) until the afternoon- I was beginning to sweat before I even stepped off the bus just thinking about the desert heat. The first part of the trail was busy with many families and screaming kids..... thankfully as we continued on the trail it got steeper and hotter, successfully thinning out the crowd until only a handful persevered to the real treasures.... cool isolated pools and spectacular views.  This will be a short entry because I think the pictures say enough:)

 A natural window looking out to the Dead Sea
Taking a shower under the dripping ferns:)

Looking down to the Dead Sea & the various orchards - a true testament to 'making the desert bloom'
A look back at the mountain - framed with a date orchard
A bridge over a 'Wadi' (a dry ephemeral riverbed), a very common scene in Israel

Speaking of common scenes in Israel....... I move on to the famous rapping Jew - Matisyahu!!  
(side note- if you google rapping Jew the wikipedia site for Matisyahu is number 1)
Matisyahu - live in Jerusalem

When we saw that Matisyahu would be playing in the center of Jerusalem we knew it was an event we could not miss. He became popular around the world through his reggae beats and hip-hop beat-boxing..... but few people outside of the Jewish community (myself included) don't know his background or what he sings so passionately about.  This concert gave me the excuse to listen closer  and observe what really drew his followers in.

The concert was outdoors in a packed public square - and from the moment we walked in you could feel the high energy.  Some songs stuck out more than others as everyone sang them like they were songs that they had written themselves.  The song 'One Day' has become popular from its catchy tune - but listening closer you can hear an anthem of peace.  A couple of verses  from the song are as follows:  
all my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
for the people to say
that we don't wanna fight no more
they'll be no more wars
and our children will play
one day ...
one day this all will change
treat people the same
stop with the violence
down with the hate
one day we'll all be free
and proud to be
under the same sun
singing songs of freedom like
one day.... 

Now imagine that being sung as an anthem under the Jerusalem night sky by hundreds of young people that have grown up amongst violence, hatred and misunderstanding. After mandatory service in the military, many now search for a better way.....

Me, Patricia & Dan (two of my classmates) @ the concert

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