Sunday, October 2, 2011

Goodbye to the herbs of Maroulas

          The days spent in the village & working with Marianna went by far too fast!  It was hard to tell the family that I had finally decided to say goodbye.  As with any true cultural exchange there is always a balance between the highlights (when I thought I could stay forever) and the not so glamorous parts (where I was daydreaming of other places on Crete).  However, in the end, the highlights trumped the rest and I was sad to say goodbye. I loved spending time with Marianna - whether it be out in the hillsides gathering herbs or chatting over coffee - she held a plethora of traditional and mystical knowledge that fascinated me.

Marianna & I at the entrance to the herbal shop:)

 A peak inside the herbal shop

   During the day the village was always pretty quiet and peaceful - but when Marianna was in the shop anyone walking around the narrow cobbled walkways could hear the classical music that she played loud & clear~ almost as a gift to the people who passed.... Everyone would stop in and chat briefly, sometimes leaving with herbs and oils - but always leaving with a smile.
View from one of the places we stopped to gather herbs
   In the picture above you can see the small village nestled on a plateau (just left of center) where we would go to collect drinking water (the family goes once a week).  The last few years in Maroulas the water has been sub-par due to contamination from a nearby landfill.  So, for drinking water the family goes to nearby villages where the spring water is known to be pristine.

sweet & plentiful spring water~

working on the roof terrace - cleaning and cutting walnut leaves

A view from above the village - the light in Crete seems to always be captured perfectly by the clouds;)
Marianna and her traditional knife- harvesting wild Thyme and Heather on the hillsides
Looking across the valley from another harvesting spot

1 comment:

  1. this is not possible to read without extreme envy
